First of all, we genuinely appreciate every rider that walks into our classes, as without you it would just be an empty room and an instructor with way too much energy for that space. However, there are things that we wish you did more of and some we wish you did less of!
This not only shows respect for the instructor but also for your fellow riders. Sure it’s better if someone shows up a little late than not at all, but out of courtesy don’t make it a habit. No shows... please don't stand us up, just a simple text or call to let us know you're not coming means we get to let someone else take your bike.
Remember your first time, remember the feeling of not knowing what to do or what to expect; we don’t mean you should correct their form but if someone looks lost or doesn’t know where the weights are, point them in the right direction. Helping a first timer sets a great tone of camaraderie for the class and it makes our heart swell to see you embrace a new rider into the XYZ community. We all had our first time once!
To make your instructor fall head over heels for you, show you are giving 100%. We don’t care about those involuntary grunts, or faces of pain that to us look beautiful, and those noises that are sweet music to our ears. We love a good whistle or cheer to let us know we are getting the vibe right.
Put that phone to good use… use it after class! That means selfies or even better, group sweat pictures letting us know how hard you worked make us swell with pride - but keep it to after class. Phones in class make us think you would rather be elsewhere, and if you’re on your phone you may as well be. It’s 50 minutes guys!
We know sometimes you just don’t have the energy to go 100% and that's cool, but book a bike further back. We love that you came but if you’re at the front get ready to work - you’re responsible for leading the rows behind. Be the leader we know you are and own that bike.
Ok, we are going to get funky and sweaty together but let's make that a progression like our workout, not arrive smelling like we have already killed it in a spin class. It's hard enough to breathe in class as it is!
We know the bikes can sometimes be a little temperamental but if one of the knobs is too tight to turn, ask an instructor or a front desk member to help you out. The bikes don’t respond well to being bashed with the weights.
Love, the XYZ Trainers.